In this sermon, Pastor Curtis explores the story of Saul's dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. Saul, a zealous persecutor of the early church, has a life-changing encounter with the risen Jesus. God interrupts Saul's path and redirects his life, calling him to become the apostle Paul - a chosen instrument to bring the good news of Jesus to the Gentiles.
Through Saul's story, we see that God's grace can interrupt and redirect our lives as well. The sermon unpacks three key truths:
1. God opens our eyes to see our true condition and the hope we have in Christ.
2. God empowers us by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the purpose He has for our lives.
3. God transforms our hearts, leading us to boldly respond to His calling.
Whether you feel lost, stuck in your past, or unsure of God's plan, this message encourages you to make the U-turn and allow God to redirect your steps. Discover the power, purpose, and transformation that come when we surrender to the surprising call of God.
Don't miss this impactful message from Pastor Curtis about the life-changing work God can do when we are willing to turn and follow Him.