In this message from the Book of James, Pastor Curtis tackles the challenging topic of favoritism and partiality. He unpacks how the church is called to love and value all people equally, just as God does. We'll explore how Jesus modeled this impartial, compassionate approach, and how we can practically apply it in our lives and communities today. This message will challenge us to root out any tendencies to play favourites, and instead reflect the inclusive, gracious heart of our Saviour. Key Takeaways: - God is impartial - He shows no favouritism (James 2:1, Romans 2:11) - All people have inherent worth and value as image-bearers of God (Genesis 1:26-27) - Jesus showed love and honour to all, even the outcasts of society (Mark 12:13-14) - The church is called to be a place of belonging for the marginalized, not partiality (James 2:1-13) - Showing mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13) This convicting yet hopeful message challenges us to examine our hearts and actions, and to live out the radical, inclusive love of Christ in our relationships and communities.